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Website terms and conditions


Wellington City Council has made every reasonable effort to provide accurate information on this website. However, the Council does not present this information as advice and does not accept responsibility for actions taken based on reading it.

The Council does not guarantee that:

  • website visitors will have uninterrupted or error-free access to, and use of, the website
  • the website or any files available for downloading will be error-free or free from viruses, faults or defects
  • the content of the website is accurate, complete, or suitable for a particular purpose. Website visitors must rely on their own judgment in relation to any matter of that type.


The Council is not affiliated with any person whose goods or services are linked to or from the website or any linked site. The Council does not sponsor, endorse or approve of any of those goods or services. The Council cannot guarantee that external sites are accurate or that they will operate correctly.

Privacy statement

The collection and use of personal information by the Wellington City Council is regulated by the Privacy Act 2020. Under this Act, personal information may be collected only for a lawful purpose connected with a function or activity of the Council and only if necessary for that purpose. Such information must, as a general rule, be collected directly from the individual concerned and that person must be told why the information is needed.

Wellington City Council will use personal information only for the provision of Council services and will not make personal information available to the public except where authorised by the Privacy Act or other legislation. For more information, see the Council's customer privacy statement.

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987

All enquiries about or formal requests for information in terms of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, or the Privacy Act 2020 should be in writing to:

Wellington City Council

PO Box 2199

Wellington 6140

Making an official information request

Website use

Website visitors are not allowed to do anything which alters the website, or interferes with or affects its working. This includes removing anything from it, adding anything to it, linking it to another website, and distributing any part of it to anyone else.

Automatic Harvesting (BOTs) Disclaimer

Other than approved search engines the use of bots, spiders or any other software to download information from this website automatically, is strictly forbidden and illegal. We consider this a serious offence, as these programs put a heavy load on our systems. We use an abuse detection system, which reports illegal use of this website to the website administrator. The internet service provider can be contacted to report the abuser.

It is forbidden to systematically retrieve data or other content or any materials from this website to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation database, directory or the like, whether by manual methods, through the use of “bots” or otherwise.